§ 366-5. Investigation and inspection.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Within 30 days after the receipt of an application, the Chief of Police shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant and his proposed business operation and shall make or have made an inspection of the vehicles. All applicants and/or operators shall be checked for a criminal history with the New Jersey State Police Bureau of Identification.
    The Township of West Milford recognizes that the contractor must be trustworthy in that he is safeguarding autos belonging to others. Therefore, in the best public interest, the Township may disqualify anyone that has been convicted of a crime within the past 10 years, which crime would indicate that the contractor or his employees may not be responsible to perform in the best interests of others. Such crimes would include but not be limited to car theft, stealing of car parts, breakins, thefts, etc. The Township of West Milford may waive these standards if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Township.
    If the contractor or his employees are found guilty of any such crime during the term of the permit, the permit may be canceled by the Township for the reasons aforesaid. The contractor shall notify the Police Department in writing of any criminal charges that may become pending against him or his employees during the term of the permit.
    The Police Department reserves the right to investigate at any time the contractor or anyone employed by the contractor for the purpose of fulfilling the contract herein.
    The Chief of Police may delegate the inspection of the vehicle to a person or persons, who shall make such an inspection and who shall report to the Chief of Police whether the wrecker is in a thoroughly safe and sanitary condition and complies with the requirements and standards of this chapter, as given herein. Upon completion of the investigation and inspection, the Chief of Police shall either refuse to approve the application or shall approve the application in accordance with the standards given herein, and shall inform the applicant of his decision. If the application is approved, the applicant shall supply the Chief of Police with the insurance policies or certificates as required. Upon receipt of the policies or certificates, the Chief of Police shall make appropriate notations on the application and shall notify the Administrator that the application has been approved. He shall maintain a file of the aforementioned documents.
    [Amended 9-1-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-6]