§ 353-8. Refusal to issue license; suspension or revocation; unused licenses; car seats.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Township Council or its designee may, in its discretion, refuse to issue or renew or may, after notice and hearing, revoke or suspend any license issued under the provisions of this article if the applicant has been convicted of any crime, disorderly persons offense or petty disorderly in this state or in any other state or territory, or has been convicted of a violation under Title 39, Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, or who violates any provision of this article or has any judgment unsatisfied of record arising out of an automobile accident or who has made false answers in the application for such license or any renewal thereof or who has failed or fails to render reasonably prompt, safe and adequate taxi services or who has not complied fully with the requirements of this article for such class of licensure, or if the licensee or applicant has in any degree contributed to any injury to person or damage to property arising out of negligent operation of a motor vehicle or as to any taxicab owner's license if the motor vehicle licensed or to be licensed by reason of unsafe or unsanitary conditions is dangerous to the safety or health of the occupants, and others, or if the policy of insurance required herein has once lapsed or such coverage is not maintained at all times, or a taxicab, at any time, carries more passengers than the same is authorized to carry by the terms of this article.
    Any taxicab owner's or driver's license which remains unused for a period of at least one year shall automatically revert to the Township and shall be deemed null and void.
    No taxicab owner's license or driver's license shall be issued to, or renewed for, any taxi owner or taxi driver unless and until proof shall have been given to the Township Clerk that the owner and/or driver has adequately provided for the safety of children under the age of five years who are passengers in the taxicab or cabs owned and/or operated by them. In the case of a taxi owner who owns more than one taxi, such proof shall consist of a written policy and posted notice at the base of operation and in all taxicabs owned by him, conspicuous to drivers, setting forth that, prior to the operation of the taxicab, children 18 months of age or younger, who are passengers in a taxicab, shall be placed in a federally approved child restraint seat, and children over the age of 18 months, but under the age of five years, must be placed in a car seat, if riding in the front seat of the taxicab, or in a lap and/or lap and shoulder harness seat belt, if riding in the rear seat of the taxicab. The owner of more than one taxicab must, at all times, keep and maintain in his vehicles or at the base of operation a total number of federally approved car seats equal to 25% of the number of licensed taxicabs owned by him, which shall at all times be available for use by drivers of the cabs owned by said taxicab owner. In the case of an owner of a single taxicab, such proof shall consist of proof that the owner keeps and maintains a federally approved car seat in the passenger compartment or trunk of the licensed vehicle at all times, for use in accordance with this provision.