§ 220-4. Procedure for application.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All applications for the use of the Municipal Building or the Municipal Building grounds shall be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the date of the proposed use to the Township Administrator who shall process the application.
    The Township Administrator may grant approval where the proposed use is unlikely to result in either:
    Damage or loss of value to Township property or inconvenience the public or municipal officials or employees; or
    An addition to or alteration of the grounds such as plantings, signs, or structures.
    Those applications not granted approval by the Township Administrator shall be referred to the governing body.
    The governing body may refer any application referred to it to any one or more Township agencies, offices, boards, or advisory committees, including the beautification/recycling program task force committee for its recommendation prior to acting on the application.
    Approvals by either the Township Administrator or the governing body shall be conditioned upon the posting of an insurance policy adequately protecting the Township or deposit of escrow monies to reasonably cover all or a portion of the Township's expenses directly attributable to the applicant's requested use.
Amended 9-1-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-6